*if the device is not running 7/8/2020 FW or newer, please upgrade FW.
7/8/2020 FW changes compare to 6/5/2020: easy time sync, default Fahrenheit and model number is LTK-WRISTKIT now.
- Power on the device, input password on its touchscreen, and get its IP address on its lower left corner.
2. Use Internet Explorer (IE) and type in the IP address.
a. Note: If the customer did not activate the terminal locally, you can use default password 123456 to login.
3. Time setting
Click “Sync with Computer Time” will automatically correct time zone.
4. Guard Station Software (available on ltsecurityinc.com)
a. Choose “Access Control Device” instead of “Encoding Device” to add the terminals.
b. Live Monitoring and Record Search using Access Control Tab.
- Use the Gear Icon to change C to F and abnormal temp. threshold.
Basic Trouble Shoot
1. Measuring Temperature Failed.
Have the customer check the local terminal touchscreen
When customer sees an outline as the pic above shows, check the wiring to the wrist module.
The Red and Black of the wrist module should connect to the power supply directly with the main power of the terminal, which is the thickest red and black wire.
the Blue and Brown (RS485_P and RS485_N) of the wrist module should connect to Orange and Purple (RS485_P and RS485_N) of the terminal. DO NOT wire Blue to Blue and Brown to Brown.
2. No Event on the PC Software
Check if the customer’s PC meets the software requirement:
If the PC meets the requirement, delete and re-add the device to software.
3. Reading on the Terminal and Software does not match.
Upgrade FW and default.
Fahrenheit Setting No Need to Adjust if 7/8/2020 FW step 1 and step 2 installed
- Intelligent – Advanced Setting includes temperature unit C to F and Mask Detection etc.
FW Upgrade. Only needed if the device is not 7/8/2020 FW.
FW download from ltsecurityinc.com
Must upgrade both step 1 (283,097KB) and step 2 (1KB) before “Restore all settings”
Redo Step 1 and 2 to log back into web page.
default password 123456.