What is Port Forwarding?
Whether you're a user or a customer, the topic of port forwarding is almost certainly going to be something you'll run into when you're trying to set up remote access. Port forwarding may appear to be a complex process but in fact, it is simple. In short, port forwarding allows remote devices to connect to your system within a local area network (LAN). Continue below to get started on learning how to port forward.
1) A Personal Computer connected to the same router as the NVR/DVR.
2) The IP Address of the NVR, DVR, and your router.
Refer to here for information on how to find your router's IP address.
Refer to here for information on how to find your recorder's IP address/basic network setup.
3) The username and password for your Router.
Please check the PDF to see how to configure the Port Forwarding.