The default Browser Support is the Internet Explorer with the Plug-in (ActiveX).
Chrome / Firefox / Sapphire?
When you have the firmware (System Version) v4 and higher, it supports the HTML5 browser.
Which is supporting the non-plugin browser: Chrome/ Firefox/ Safari can be supported.
How to identify the firmware version, click Here
What is the Differences:
The differences between the Internet Explorer version and HTML5 browser version which is the HTML5 browser "can't support any Save action". Meaning - the Live won't support Recording/Snapshot/Zoom, Playback can't do Save/Download which is not supported based on the browser programming agreement. For the same reason, the Live view is limit to the 4 view max currently. If you like to use more features, either you use the Internet Explorer browser version or use the Client software instead.
Internet Explorer Version
Click here to view: how to install the plugin thru Internet Explorer
HTML5 Version
Due to the HTML5 limitation, the live view only can max to 4 Live View at the same time.