Greeting! Welcome to the LTS Dealer/Installer Technical Support.
Here is our contact LTS Dealer/Installer Support Line Phone Number. 1-831-250-1292
If you request password reset support, please press 1. Otherwise, press 2 is for the dealer/installer support. Then, please select each correspond region to your sales office area. Thanks.
Please make sure to be ready with your Dealer Customer ID when you talk to the agent.
The Dealer Customer ID is listed in the LTS's Invoice. (LTS Call Center) (NJ)(TX)(CA)
Business Hour: Call Center/Chat (NJ)(TX)(CA)
We are open Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM (EST)
Please check Basic Information > Calling LTS Technical Support (Latest Update Info) for more details
What Holidays Are We Closed On?
New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day also the day after, Christmas Day.
If you are the end-user, please read the end-user support policy.
The End-User Support Policy Notice
As of December 6, 2018, the LTS technical support team provides expedient support to customers who purchase products Directly from the LTS Sales representatives. If you are the end-user or have purchased LTS products from a third party, please seek out support from the place of purchase or you can visit our new support knowledgebase website.