-I can see the picture in the guardstation software but when I "add" it to our library, the photo does not save.
Make sure the GuardStation software has administrator rights. Certain permissions not available may cause issues with the unit not being able to do certain features. This would be solved by logging into Windows using an administrator account. Can also start GuardStation by right clicking on the icon and selecting “Run as administrator”. Check your network to make sure certain ports are not being blocked. This will create an issues of not being able to communicate or get e-mails sent out.
- It still will not send out an alert message from the device if there is a high temperature.
The terminal will not send out an e-mail. The Guard Station software will be sending the messages out via e-mail. The following is the instructions for getting the e-mail notification set up.
From the “Control Panel”, Select “Client Configuration”.
It will open up a new window. Select “E-mail” on the left-hand side. Fill out the information pertaining to your e-mail from/to. Remember to click save and then send test e-mail to ensure parameters are set up properly.
Go to the “Access” tab.
- if reads high, the alarm will not come on.
Double check the temperature settings for the high temperature on the unit.
- The People count is still not working
Please check the port settings and make sure required ports are open and not being blocked by the firewall.
- The reports are not working
Please check the port settings and make sure required ports are open and not being blocked by the firewall.
This page is where all the logs/records could be access for the wristkit.
Real time logs will be listed here along with a pop-ups in the bottom right corner.
- The email alerts are not working either
Send the test email out using GuardStation. Make sure the settings are correct per instructions above.
- Only one GuardStation can be connected to the device and get the realtime monitoring information. (You can view it as a live camera, but not get the snapshots.)
Make sure the settings for Guardstation software is the same on each unit. Different settings on different software/computer will give conflicting commands to the Wristkit and “confuse” the unit and create mixed results/errors.
- I can not get the live view to show the snapshot with the temperature on the side window
Open the Guard Station software and select “Device Management/Access Control Device”. Select your Wrist-Kit and click “Configuration”.
It will then open the web browser. Go to “Setup/Image/OSD”. Make sure the “Temperature” is selected. This will incorporate the temperature readings into the liveview.
- I am not login any history on the machines
Go to the main menu and select “Access Control”.
Select “Access Record”. Choose your Wrist-Kit under “Access Controller” and select the time/dates from and to the date you would like records for. Then click search. It will take a few seconds for the software to access and pull the logs/screen shots from the wrist-kit.
- I can not upload pictures to the device
Select the “Face Library Management”. Choose your Wrist-Kit and select the library. Click on “Batch Add”.
Select “Batch Add” and then “Add”. You will then select the picture and input the employee information. Click “Export” to save the information.
- I can not find where to create the custom voice prompts
Wrist-Kit does not currently have the option to create custom voice prompts.