If you expect other people to use the same computer or program, you may want to create accounts for them that limit their privileges on the program and recorder. Users should keep in mind that every installation of the NVMS7000 PC Client on a new computer will require the super user accounts to be created regardless if you already installed it on another computer.
Setting Up User Accounts
Step 1. Run the NVMS7000 PC Client
Step 2. Select Account Management. If you do not see it, you will find it under the control Panel.
Step 3. Select "Add User"
Step 4. Select the User Type between Operator or Administrator
Note: The difference between the two is based on how many permissions are enabled.
Step 5. Fill in the User Name and Password the account will have
Step 6. Select or deselect the permissions for the account.
Step 7. Select "Save" to finalize the account creation process.
Editing User Accounts
If you have existing user accounts and you would like to know how to edit their permissions, you need to select the user account and then select "Edit Users" to modify the settings as shown below.